Australia: The Drinking Tour Byron Bay Bluffs
Australia: The Drinking Tour
Photos - Sydney
Dec 30
Sydney Harbour

Dec 31
New Year's Eve

Jan 1 - 2
Sydney Opera House & Watson's Bay

Jan 3 - 4
Bondi Beach, Sydney Aquarium & Dinner Above the Skyline

Photos - Byron Bay
Jan 5 - 7
Stop. Revive. Survive.

Photos - Brisbane
Jan 8 - 10
The Crocodile Hunter

Bonus Section
Biggles Presents Australia

January 3 - 4, 2001
Bondi Beach, Sydney Aquarium
& Dinner Above the Skyline
Swimming, climbing cliffs, and sun-bathing at Sydney's famous Bondi Beach consumed nearly two full days in Sydney. The final evening in Sydney was spent exploring the Sydney Aquarium and having a splendid dinner at the Sydney Tower Restaraunt in the AMP Tower Centrepoint.
Bondi Beach, home of Australia's "White Mountains."
Climbing the bluffs of Bondi Beach.
Biggles hangs over a 150 foot drop to the ocean, though you can't really tell from this picture.
Biggles in repose.
Havin' a bud. Watchin' the game.
Torpedo away! A seal swims past an underwater tunnel.
Biggles presents... a shark!
A shark viewed from below.
A tank of glowing jellyfish.
A shark swims by the underwater tunnel.
Sharks above...
... and manta rays below.
I'd like to be... under the sea... in an octopus's garden in the shade.
Brad and Biggles toast their last night in Sydney, as they rotate above Sydney's skyline.
Lori and Tom.
Glowing Kangaroo       Opera House