Australia: The Drinking Tour
Australia: The Drinking Tour Cute, cuddly animals
Special Bonus Section!!
Biggles Presents Australia!
(Okay. So it's not that special...)
On December 28, 2000, three brave fellows journeyed from Boston, Massachusettes to the eastern coast of Australia. There they spent nearly two weeks celebrating the New Millennium.

Needless to say, a little drinking was involved...

Photos - Sydney
Dec 30: Sydney Harbour
Dec 31: New Year's Eve
Jan 1 - 2: Sydney Opera House & Watson's Bay
Jan 3 - 4: Bondi Bay, Sydney Aquarium, & Dinner Above the Skyline

Photos - Byron Bay
Jan 5 - 7: Stop. Revive. Survive.

Photos - Brisbane
Jan 8 - 10: The Crocodile Hunter's Home

Glowing Kangaroo       Opera House